February 15, 2010

Aunt Bonnie's Funeral.

I posted a blog awhile back about my aunt.

She passed away Feburary 13th, the day before valentine's day. my mom said she had a feeling & told everybody to come together & go see her, which was, Me, my big bro, my sis, mom, uncle albert & uncle hub... and 3am the next morning they said she died.

My aunt bonnie actually gave me my first name, she loved me. =) I was bright & chunky just like her. she wanted the best for me. she wanted me to go to college and hell when Im at school & i say, "shit i cant stand school". i think about her gettin on my ass.

its been hell tryina get this funeral service together, she aint have no life insurance so we're tryina scrap the $7k, i've gave all i got because i know she'd do the same, but ... its a bunch of bullshit going on.

like, how hard is it to put somebody in the ground.. hell dont worry about where her possessions is going.. just let us lay her to rest.

Replacing Emoji...

February 9, 2010

Through Their Eyes

lately, I haven't updated anything on most of my social sites.

but, I've been realizing alot of things in society as well as me, as a person.

This semester I have this required class called "Interpersonal Communications" ; basically its speech and I dont really read the book, IDK why? but I just dont read the book, HOWEVER, I understand most of the things that she says.

uhm, like.. Reflected Appraisal .. the people around us, their perception.. of... "us".

and I was sitting there like.. dang, I do give in to conformity and that shit aint even what it does.

but I said & wrote on facebook.. "i hate that we seek acceptance through the eyes of another, never starting with 'self'."

because, when things happen to you.. you are the one to have to face the consequences.

hmm. today was one of those.. REAL moments. Educating the uneducated.

i hate that we seek acceptance through the eyes of another, never starting with 'self'.

Replacing Emoji...

February 5, 2010

Grandparents. i dont know yall like I want.

my mom is my shoulder to lean on. I've never met her parents, they died before I was born and my dad's mom, I know her, but my grandpa....well, they never really talk about him.. idk why though.

I dont even ask either, but sometimes, I wonder.. Because my dad is her first born, hell that nigga is old as shit though. but, idk, I wish that I knew all of my family, but hell I appreciate what little family I do have.

and I really did this post because I was looking at this woman&man and their granddaughter, and thought "hell i wonder if my grandparents would've done me like that" ; but what the hell.

on the other hand, Happy Birthday Grandma Theo M. Johnson.. (My mom's Mother) :)
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Welcome Baby Kalia & Malia

Well, My birthday was January 19th woo hoo. and alla that good shit.

Lol. January 21st, 8am, I missed class that day, but I welcomed my two neices into the world.
Malia & Kalia . Kalia is a premature baby.

But, you know what that day was a fuckin` mess, I was standing in the waiting room the machine took my money so I had to go downstairs.. I was fuckin off in the hallway actin childish, and My mama got mad talking bout "fuckin with you & the soda machine Imma miss the babies" ; mannn, I said fuck it & walked off .. by the time we got upstairs, I shared a soda w/ my lil bro and as I was about to sit down outside the nursery, the curtains flew open & there was baby A , Kalia .. and soon here comes baby B, Malia.

I dont have anykids, I mean kids are cool til they get on my nerves, then I'm not even the one to be around kids, but babies, makes my heart melt, like for real, and I think I snapped 400+ pictures, hell I shot video and all kinda stuff, I would post a picture, but they daddy is acting GAY, "i dont want my babies pics on the net" ; but yea.. :) Welcome Baby Kalia & Malia.
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