October 24, 2009

College !


so far its cool; just alot of projects . Its really a cake walk so far. I just dont be getting enough sleep!
but I'm glad I'm there .. minus them ghetto ass hoodrats that be posted up; being loud & talkin shit about the people that walk by. I mean... COME ON ! we in college . baby this is NOT high school. SHUT THE FUCK UP. you just mad you aint WHERE they at ! I mean, I be looking and thinking in the back of my mind "this bitch aint gone be here next semester ANYWAYS!" .

Each day is different for me, like that one day I knocked Stephanie cup out her hand in the middle of the student center. I was like Gahhhhhhhd DAMN! buttuh, its all good. shit .. I wasn't trippin I was gone pay for it ! lmfao !

uhm, I dont really fool with a lot of people on campus. I dont stop & talk. I dont do none of that cause I know how people is. I just raise my hand & smile or say HEY when I see em.

Community college is a buncha bullshit .. buttuh gimme these next 3 semesters && the summer session! *claps* I'm leaving! I swear .. I needa get the hell outta Lufkin.. Its not LUFKIN, its the PEOPLE here !

October 4, 2009

DJ . =]

ugh, I cant stand him, he makes me wanna go upside his head every time I see him;
but sometimes, I dont know where I'd be with out him. ya know, I'm really just used to him being around and yet and still... I really cant fathom my life, with out him. Not as a big sister but as someone who is his "keeper". I mean really, with all the violence goin on today, hmm..

Last Monday, I had got out of class, its wassss, 7ish and I was walking down the side walk & up pulls my momma, she was HALFWAY in the parking lot & she yells "YA BROTHER GOT HIT BY A CAR!" ... in my mind I'm like "Girl, Stop playing." ... so when I get to the car & look, there he is laid across the backseat, crying & stuff. I felt so bad;; then I started laughing like super hard... I couldn't believe this shit...

I love my little MINI-ME with all my heart; I do anything for him... ALMOST anything.. but..


He was fine.. just pain here && there.. ya know. no broken bones *Thank God*
I didn't get home til like 2-3am && backdoor had a 8am class;;

Rough Night... But I Excelled in my schoolwork.. BET that ;-)
but I mean, he'd do the same for me... I know he would.